Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Disenchantments - Nina LaCour

Title: The Disenchantments
Author: Nina LaCour
Pages: 307 pages
Publication Date: February 16, 2012 by DUTTON Juvenile 
ISBN-10: 0525422196 
ISBN-13: 9780525422198

"What do you want to do after graduating?" my friend once asked. My other friend told me that she wanted to find a job for a year so she could go to college with her own money. Another one said that he wanted to go straight to college in another continent, start anew. The others had no idea; they didn't even know which major to take after graduating.

Colby and Bev, bestfriends since forever, have made plans to travel to Europe after graduating high-school. They decided to take a sabbatical year together; college can wait, but exploring the world while they're still young and free? This is an opportunity once in a lifetime, they think.

55 Reading Questions!

Since, yesterday, I noticed some of my friends posted the identical posts, which title caught my attentions. 55 reading questions? That sounds fun! I finally decided to borrow my mom's laptop (with a debate, negotiation, bargaining, coffee brewing and noodle cooking going on first) and deliberately trying to answer these questions!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bibliophilic Bipolar's First Giveaway Winner Announcement!

Akhirnya, setelah dua minggu menyelenggarakan giveaway ini (sambil ikutan deg-degan siapa kira-kira pemenangnya), dengan ini saya mengumumkan pemenangnya!

Tapi sebelumnya, saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya pada semua teman yang berpartisipasi. Terima kasih untuk semua ucapan selamat ulang tahun baik untuk blog ini maupun untuk saya (ehem), segala jenis apresiasi--baik berupa pujian atau kritikan. Semua usul yang disampaikan untuk blog ini sudah saya catat baik-baik. Semoga di kemudian hari blog ini semakin bermanfaat untuk teman-teman semua :) Dan saya harap, feedback dari kalian tidak terhenti di sini juga, tapi juga berlanjut di post-post saya selanjutnya, maupun lewat social media.